Important Message for Consumers
For customers needing to file a claim:
Toll-Free: Ancillary Products — 855-902-5246
Mechanical VSC — 844-427-4278, Option 1
Fax: 512-795-9069
Email: claims@vtg-services.com
Online Chat: visit here >
Service Contracts issued by RoadVantage are exclusively distributed through franchised automobile dealerships across the United States. RoadVantage does not sell directly to the public or via the Internet. We advise you to exercise caution and decline any online offers on our Service Contracts that are not offered through an authorized dealership.
Your Satisfaction is Important to Us
If you believe we can improve on our service delivery or if you would like to express a specific concern or complaint, please submit your concern via mail to our independent Customer Satisfaction Unit.
Customer Satisfaction Unit
Vantage Administration Services, LP
8834 N. Capital of Texas Hwy, Suite 250
Austin, Texas 78759